Sunday 17 August 2014

Since it's been 1 week since i last posted, might as well do another one and just for kicks... it'll be in colour. Well it's been threatening to rain/ raining cats and dogs the whole weekend (Bleh) makes everything feel just a tad little droopy. I managed to go to Hillarys Boat Harbour last week before the weather closed in. Back when there were bright, sunny azure blue skies and gelato in hand, facing a wonderful sea breeze. Take me back to those days. On the bright side, IM GOING DOWN SOUTH IN A COUPLE WEEKS! woohooo! more travelling! (yay) In the meantime, gotta continue (trying) to be top student. 

Till next time,

Sunday 10 August 2014


hello everybody,

I am the man behind this blog. As you can see from the title, my name is Jon. Jon hails from a faraway land in the tropics which just celebrated her 49th birthday over the weekend. But of course its scorching hot right there now, not to mention humid too. So for now, being in Perth is AWESOMMEEEEE. I honestly don't know what I'm typing here. Just a little about myself:

Jonathan. Singaporean. International student @ Curtin University. Photography. Music. Night Drives. FOOD glorious FOOD!

Till next time,